Focus On Water
2012 Source Water Proposal Description

Crawford: Water Protection Project Proposal
Install 18 Sensus Touch-Read meters into the present water system to accurately monitor and measure water usage. Engineer fees for meter installation design.

Nemaha County RWD #2: Johnson Wells - Source Water Protection
Install a ten (10) foot tube and level site around pump house and storage trailer prior to the installation of security fencing on the District's property. Install security cameras and lighting at well house.

Juniata: Educating Our Community on Protecting Their Water Source
Close 10 domestic wells. Educate each household, within the wellhead protection area, on Drinking Water Protection.

Shelton: GPS & Well Security Cameras
Purchase and install security cameras to all the well houses. Purchase a GPS unit and take coordinates of drinking water infrastructure (including shut-off locations curb stops, water meters) and create an updated map. Administration costs.