Financial Assurance for Solid Waste Facilities – Post-closure Cost Estimate for Construction and Demolition Landfills
This information is provided by the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy to assist the public and regulated community.
Form #: 05-175F Financial Assurance Revised: 2/3/22
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  1. Site Inspections
    1. Labor (labor category, unit costs, hours)
  2. Site Maintenance
    1. Final Cover Repair (Add 1 ft. of cover over 5% of area/yr.).
      1. Labor (labor category, unit cost, hours)
      2. Materials (unit cost, transportation)
      3. Equipment (equipment category, unit cost, hours)
    2. Seeding Repair (10% of landfill/yr.).
      1. Labor (labor category, unit cost, hours)
      2. Materials (unit cost)
      3. Equipment (equipment category, unit cost, hours)
    3. Mowing
      1. Labor (labor category, unit cost, hours)
      2. Equipment (equipment category, unit cost, hours)
    4. Rodent, Weed & Tree Control
      1. Labor (labor category, unit cost, hours)
      2. Materials (unit cost)
      3. Equipment (equipment category, unit cost, hours)
    5. Maintenance, Repair or Replacement of Fence and Gate.
      1. Labor (labor category, unit cost, hours)
      2. Materials (unit cost)
    6. Surface Water Control Structure Maintenance
      1. Labor (labor category, unit cost, hours)
      2. Equipment (equipment category, unit cost, hours)
  3. Record Keeping and Administration (labor category, unit cost, hours)
  4. Other Direct Costs (mobilization, computer, graphic supplies, reproduction, per diem, lodging)
  5. Overhead and Profit
  6. Contingencies (10% of annual total)
  7. Miscellaneous costs/Other category


Produced by:

Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy
P.O. Box 98922
Lincoln, NE 68509-8922

phone (402) 471-2186

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