001 Wastewater treatment facilities will be maintained in proper operating condition in accordance with this chapter and operated in a manner to meet all NPDES permit requirements and not result in a prohibited bypass or an unauthorized discharge.
002 All wastewater works will be operated and maintained by a competent, designated operator. The operator shall perform operational tests required by the Department. Records of all tests will be kept for three years and made available to the Director or his authorized representative. Facilities requiring certified operators will meet the requirements of NAC Title 197, Rules and Regulations for the Certification of Wastewater Treatment Facility Operators in Nebraska.
003 Wastewater collection systems will be kept open and free flowing at all times. Adequate sewer cleaning equipment will be kept available within two hours response time.
004 All mechanical devices, including standby or backup units, that are designed and installed in the original WWTF or lift station will be promptly repaired or replaced when they become inoperable.
005 The owner will maintain an inventory of supplies, chemicals, and spare parts, as necessary to maintain uninterrupted operation of the WWTF.
006 An unobstructed, all weather access road will be maintained to WWTFs, lift stations, and to other wastewater structures that could require emergency maintenance.
007 Grit, screenings, grease, scum and similar materials removed from wastewater will be stored in suitable containers before disposal.
008 The operation and maintenance of wastewater lagoons will be conducted in the following manner:
008.01 Lagoon dikes will be maintained with grass to minimize soil erosion, except for areas protected by rip rap or other stabilization methods. The grassed dikes will be mowed to prevent growth of trees or woody plants. Cattails, reeds and other emergent vegetation will be removed from the lagoons promptly as they appear.
008.02 At least two feet of water will be maintained at all times in active wastewater lagoons unless the lagoon has a synthetic liner with an adequate ballast system to prevent uplift from the wind.
008.03 A fence will be maintained around lagoon systems to keep unauthorized persons, pets, and domestic livestock from entering the lagoon. Warning signs will be maintained in legible condition. Gates and locks will be maintained in operable condition.
008.04 If a new lagoon cell is not immediately needed, or if wastewater flow to a lagoon cell is interrupted for a period greater than a year, lagoon cells may be allowed to dry out. These lagoon
cells shall be mowed, as necessary, to prevent the growth of woody plants. When inactive lagoon cells are placed into service, the liner’s permeability rate will be tested, and if necessary, restored to meet the seepage rate established by the Department. Synthetic liners that are being placed back into service will be restored to a watertight condition.
008.05 Damage to lagoon dikes and liners caused by muskrats or other rodents, erosion, tree roots, animal hooves, or any other source will be promptly repaired.
008.06 The liners of wastewater lagoons will be maintained so that wastewater seepage does not exceed the rate approved by the Department in the construction plans and specifications. Where no record of approved plans and specifications exist, the lagoon liner will be maintained to meet the seepage rate prescribed by the Department for the specific wastewater being treated. The owner will perform seepage testing when requested by the Department.
008.07 Wastewater lagoons will be operated so that the water level is not maintained in the area designed for freeboard.
009 Rapid infiltration cells will operate in a two-phase cycle of wastewater application followed by a drying period that is sufficient to restore aerobic conditions to the soil. The application period will not exceed seven days unless written permission is obtained from the Department.
010 Dead animal carcasses will not be placed in any wastewater works.
Enabling Legislation: Neb. Rev. Stat. §81-1504(12), 81-1505(8)
Legal Citation: Title 123, Ch. 11, Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy