001 All requirements of this title apply to wastewater works that are constructed, installed, modified, or have additions made on or after July 26, 2006.
002 Chapters 10 and 11 of this title apply to wastewater works that were constructed, installed, modified, or had additions made before July 26, 2006.
003 Wastewater works that were constructed, installed, modified, or had additions made without a valid construction permit, on or after June 22, 1972, will be upgraded to meet current design standards. The owner will submit to the Department an engineering evaluation of the wastewater facility, prepared by a professional engineer, and correct any deficiencies identified during the Department’s review of the engineering evaluation.
004 Permits issued under these regulations are exempt from financial responsibility requirements in Neb. Rev. Stat. §81-1505(21)(a).
005 The design standards in this title are minimum standards. Meeting these minimum standards does not release the design engineer or the owner from the responsibility of designing and constructing fully operational wastewater works.
Enabling Legislation: Neb. Rev. Stat. §81-1504(10); 81-1504(20); 81-1505(8)
Legal Citation: Title 123, Ch. 2, Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy