Litter Reduction & Recycling and Waste Reduction & Recycling Incentive Grant Application Guidance
This guidance document is advisory in nature but is binding on an agency until amended by such agency. A guidance document does not include internal procedural documents that only affect the internal operations of the agency and does not impose additional requirements or penalties on regulated parties or include confidential information or rules and regulations made in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act. If you believe that this guidance document imposes additional requirements or penalties on regulated parties, you may request a review of the document.

Form #: WAS075 Guidance Documents Revised: 6/21/24

I. General Information

The purpose of the Litter Reduction & Recycling Grant and the Waste Reduction & Recycling Incentive Grant programs is to fund activities that reduce litter and waste and promote recycling in Nebraska. This document is intended to aid grant applicants in the preparation of an application and the quarterly report by outlining what expenses the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (Department) has deemed eligible for reimbursement through these grant programs, and by identifying documentation that must be submitted as part of the application and quarterly report. This guidance document applies to grant applications received for the current grant period.

Contact the Department at 402-471-2186 and ask for the Grants Section if you have questions or to discuss proposed grant projects.