Air Toxics Notebook
Hazardous Waste Combustion -  Subpart EEE

Applicability: eCFR Subpart EEE []

This subpart applies to:
  1. Any of the following that burn hazardous waste at any time:
    1. Incinerators;
    2. Cement kilns;
    3. Lightweight aggregate kilns;
    4. Solid fuel boilers;
    5. Liquid fuel boilers;
    6. Hydrochloric acid production furnaces.

Sources are also subject to RCRA requirements. MACT will supercede most of RCRA, but sources will still need RCRA permits.
Rules apply to small, area sources? Yes
Known Sources in NDEQ Jurisdiction:

Facility ID

Clean Harbors

Date of Original Final Rule: 6/30/99
Amendments Dates: 10/28/2008 - Final Rule; Reconsideration
04/08/2008 - Final Rule
10/25/2006 - Final Rule
12/19/2005 - Direct Final Rule
10/12/2005 - Final Rule
12/19/2002 - Technical Corrections
02/14/2002 - Final Amendments Rule
12/06/2001 - Emergency Extension
10/15/2001 - Partial Withdrawl of Final Rule
07/03/2001 - Final Rule
05/14/2001 - Implementation of Court Orders
11/09/2000 - Clarification & Technical Corrections
07/10/2000 - Technical Corrections
11/19/1999 - Technical Corrections
09/30/1999 - Final Rule
State Regulations (Title 129): As of September 28, 2022: Title 129, Chapter 13, Section 002.41

Previously: Title 129, Chapter 28, Section 001.60.

Sources are also responsible for ensuring they are in compliance with current federal requirements found for this subpart in the CFR.
Federal Regulations: 40 CFR 63.1200
Related Rules:

NSPS - 40 CFR Part 60

Subpart Kb – Volatile Organic Liquid Storage
Subpart VV & VVa – Equipment Leaks
NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 61 []
Subpart C – Beryllium
Subpart E – Mercury
Subpart J – Equipment Leaks of Benzene
Subpart V – Equipment Leaks
Subpart Y – Benzene Emissions from Benzene Storage Vessels
Subpart FF – Benzene Waste Operations
NESHAP – 40 CFR Part 63
Subpart DD – Off-Site Waste Recovery Operations
Subpart XX – Ethylene Manufacturing Process Units: Heat Exchange Systems and Waste Operations
Regulations and Federal Registers:
eCFR Subpart EEE []

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 2008-10-28 - Final Rule; Amendments.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 2008-04-08 - Final Rule; amendments.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 2006-10-25 - Amendments.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 2006-04-20 - Amendments.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 2005-12-19 - Direct Final Rule.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 2005-10-12 - Final Rule.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 2003-06-23 - Amendment.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 2002-12-19 - Technical Correction.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 2002-02-14 - Final Rule; amendments.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 2001-12-06 - Final Rule; Amendments.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 2001-10-15 - Partial Withdrawl.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 2001-07-03 - Direct Final Rule.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 2001-05-14 - Final Rule; Court Orders.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 2000-11-09 - Final Rule; clarifications and corrections.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 2000-07-10 - Final Rule; technical correction.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 1999-11-19 - Technical Corrections.pdf)

(See attached file: 3E - Fed. Reg. 1999-09-30 - Final Rule.pdf)

SizeFile Name
322 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 2008-10-28 - Final Rule; Amendments.pdf
911 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 2008-04-08 - Final Rule; amendments.pdf
164 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 2006-10-25 - Amendments.pdf
291 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 2006-04-20 - Amendments.pdf
164 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 2005-12-19 - Direct Final Rule.pdf
4,361 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 2005-10-12 - Final Rule.pdf
281 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 2003-06-23 - Amendment.pdf
180 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 2002-12-19 - Technical Correction.pdf
278 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 2002-02-14 - Final Rule; amendments.pdf
151 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 2001-12-06 - Final Rule; Amendments.pdf
127 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 2001-10-15 - Partial Withdrawl.pdf
247 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 2001-07-03 - Direct Final Rule.pdf
136 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 2001-05-14 - Final Rule; Court Orders.pdf
259 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 2000-11-09 - Final Rule; clarifications and corrections.pdf
282 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 2000-07-10 - Final Rule; technical correction.pdf
134 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 1999-11-19 - Technical Corrections.pdf
2,584 KB 3E - Fed. Reg. 1999-09-30 - Final Rule.pdf
Important Dates: Hazardous Waste []
FAQs, Fact Sheets, and Rule Summaries: Texas CEQ - Rule Flowchart []

(See attached file: 3E - Flowchart.pdf)

EPA's Subpart EEE Website [] - contains federal register notices, background documents and compliance tool kit

SizeFile Name
29 KB 3E - Flowchart.pdf
Presentations, Training and Articles:
Other Information and Resources: EPA Sponsored Combustion Portal [] - Federal & state compliance information & sustainability content for combustion processes
Page Last Updated: 11/2/22